The Four Minute Barrier

Damilola Cole
Apr 1, 2022

Hello people, it has been a while! I welcome you to the 2nd Quarter of 2022. I’m starting with a short story…

Up until 1954, nobody in the history of 1 mile race ever crossed ran at below 4mins. Infact, there were scientific theories before then that the human body wasn’t designed to run the race at a faster time than that. This myth (yes i call it that) was held on for years till a man named Roger Bannister completed this race in 3:59.4s. Guess what? He had that record for just 46days. As at last count (2021) about 1,663 athletes have been this mark.

What happened?

Barriers are more psychological than physical.

What is limiting you?



Damilola Cole

Operator. Advisor. Investor. Passionate about the growth of African businesses.